University Admittance
The way I work is first to get to know the student.
I implement different methods and I am professional at this. There are over 5000 US. Colleges& Universities and there are tremendous opportunities for scholarships & grants. I know all how to apply, especially categorizing them for International Students, US citizens, dual citizens etc.
My focus area is making the student receive a scholarship and/or grant, especially since the tuition fees of US colleges are extremely high, for Turkish families.
Every family wants to see their child at Harvard, Princeton, Yale but not everybody is Harvard case and there are colleges as good as Harvard in USA. Please do not underestimate your children’s potential and we can discuss the best for your child, along with his/her needs, desires, and fit. For instance, I personally love Liberal Arts Colleges and as far as I am concerned, they give an all-over education.
Furthermore, Athletic Scholarships are another main interest of mine. There are possibilities for International Student Athlete, at US Colleges, at different branches, focusing different divisions if necessary. For swimming for example, % 16 of Division 2 Athletes are International Students on a scholarship.
Another interesting fact, at Harvard, athletes are accepted to Ivy League with lower standards; applications to Harvard are ranked on a scale of one to six based on their academic qualifications, and athletes who scored a four were accepted at a rate of about 70 percent. Admission rate for non-athletes with the same score was 0.076 percent—nearly 1,000 times lower (Desai, 2018)
Please do not fear with $ figure tuition of Colleges there. There are options, and I know how to guide you. I personally believe that US College Education is very rigorous, experimental and also flexible. At the age of 18, not all students are sure of what they want to become.